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hexbear What_Religion_R_They [none/use name]

SSR State is shared between users

Known issue (#1882) lol ignore. Serves me right for not checking first. No action taken on it, though.

Steps to reproduce

Discovered this by accident, and I don't have any concrete steps or evidence.

When I refresh, instead of my username and PFP at the top right I see someone else's for a brief moment before (presumably as the XHR completes) it is replaced by my own. It looks like the server prerenders the HTML doc with someone else's information in that username area, probably the person who requested the page last. Maybe it's the specific page, maybe it's the person who requested any page on the website.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a post
  2. Reload.. probably only on hard reload
  3. Hope to see someone's name before you see yours

Sometimes it doesn't do this. Maybe because I was the last person to send a request? Maybe the servers and internet is too fast at that moment?

Obviously the issue isn't so bad if it's contained to the top-right username, but potentially someone else can see what other people's pages generate, and I don't know enough about Lemmy to know if there's something sensitive there.