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Political Memes

How to stop mass shootings in a nutshell by one political party

  • Quite possibly the most astute thing I’ve seen on 4chan.

    • It's just a thousand monkeys at typewriters in there.

      Occasionally you get a work of Shakespeare in all the gibberish.

    • Green texts that reach the outside are usually pretty astute, political comment, alternative humor or sharp social commentary. See !

      • Exactly, no one is sharing the deranged off the wall shit on here because anything that doesn't fit the dominant narrative on Lemmy is pretty quickly downvoted.

        That said, I did upvote this post lol

  • pretend all victims are in a better place while pocketing NRA dues like no tomorrow

  • You'll even see them all get together and celebrate with a picture of them pushing a bill that will only add more to the fire we are trying to put out...