They fight against same-sex marriage, AIDS research and adoption by gay parents. But are they fighting themselves? This eye-opening film explores the disturbing phenomenon of allegedly closeted gay politicians who vote down pro-gay legislation--and get a free pass from the media.
I guess if your attacking people it keeps you from looking inward and dealing with yourself... can't run away from yourself, many have tried, all have failed... its not just sexual orientation for me instead of attacking others I was an addict and running away from my emotions and trauma both self inflicted and stuff outside of my control... its the same thing deep down in my opinion and I wish there was an easy way to break through to people that it doesn't have to be that way we can become complete people and recognize our flaws and our beauty... if he doesn't want to live the way he obviously is sexually predisposed that's his choice but living a healthy life recognizing what's within and putting it out there with no more secrets would help this lost soul greatly... compartmentalized life is a path to destruction for you or those around you