If you have such pro-landlord leanings you better actively own and profit from some sort of real estate, otherwise this is the tippiest of the toppest cucked behavior
Also there's a 100% Venn diagram of people who suck off landlords for free and Nazis. Or maybe it's an "all squares are rectangles..." thing. Oh well, better reeducate them all to be safe.
IIRC Hasan singeled out landlords who deliberatly leave their homes empty (while homeless die in the streets) to increase their profits in this clip. Not just regular landlords, but the extra murderous sort.
I posted this just to further lower your opinion of
I’ve met self employed people or people who own “small businesses” like house painting or fixing cars who get upset when they see news of Gucci stores being looted lol.
They ask me if I think they deserved to be robbed just because they “own a business.” The snarky answer would be yes, but these people aren’t even like tyrants or anything. Their “small business” is just drop shipping or accounting and they don’t make enough for any looter to give a shit about.
It’s just the adage about Americans being temporarily embarrassed billionaires.
Yeah, not even just those people who have a more "legitimate" inclination towards anger (it sort of kinda in the realm of their class interest. Closer than a pure wage laborer anyway), but it's incredibly common to see "normal" whites (mostly) lose their absolute shit when they see some video of black or brown people looting supplies during emergencies. Or better yet, looting TVs and shit and you'd think they stole that TV from their own living room with the way they act. You get cool stories of now-dead Navy SEALS snipers telling lies about sniping black people... lies, but things they wanted to be true. Otherwise why lie about murdering people when literally their career was murdering people? They didn't have to make it up... they already did it, just elsewhere in the world. Anyway, that fantasy is very common. American capitalism has completely twisted people's brains to where it is acceptable to snipe and kill people (if it were true people would've loved it) for stealing water, food, a TV, it doesn't matter. It's so gross.
i'm not certain it deserved all 600+ 9/11s that covid inflicted upon random people living in it, but boy howdy our govt did its best to make sure every one of those 600+ 9/11s happened
Slightly tangential, but “re-education” is one of those thought terminating cliches that if you stop and think about for more than a second, makes complete sense in a lot of scenarios. If there’s a population or sub-population that overwhelmingly holds racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and/or classist views, then yeah they need some educating. And if I’ve got to sit in the DMV for a couple hours every few years just to renew an ID, they can sit through an hour presentation on why being a bigot is a problem.
i know it's not what you meant, but i love the idea that After the Revolution we'll send the petty bourgeoisie to till the soil, but the DMV will still exist largely unchanged.
"Re-education" gets a bad rap because it's frightening for Burgerlanders to imagine being forced to re-learn anything rather than bumblefucking through their lifelong illusion of consumer choices where they're the infallible Main Character.
It’s like, what, the right gets to constantly parrot Turner Diaries ass rhetoric and nobody says shit, but the second any of us gets even remotely violent we’re treated like we’re the assholes? Fucking decorum pervert bullshit
I love that Hasan is so famous online, because you get these freaks obsessed with hating on him for things that aren't even that outrageous or bad. Can't they pick something else?
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry