Jokes aside, I'd enjoy watching competitive versions of hide and seek, tag, and capture the flag. That last one would be especially good with NFL-style overhead cameras and video game-style minimaps.
Check out World Chase Tag league. Pretty cool to watch.
I think a pro hide and seek would be fun to watch, imagine how intense it would be when a seeker is close to a hider, watching the hider try and remain calm to not be found haha.
Imagine a game of hide and seek played by like 11 players, 10 hiders and 1 seeker and the boundary for the game is the entire globe.
Actually... I think this was a real game show in the late 90's early 2000's, wasn't it? 🤔 I started writing the comment and then had vague memories of some game show where players literally are hiding in, like, NYC from a team of seekers and there was a cash prize involved. It was more complicated than just "hide n seek" but it was basically still the same game, just larger and with extra side games for a TV audience
The YouTube channel Jetlag does kind of that. Races round the globe, capture the flag with the entirety of Japan being the map, tag across Europe and so on