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What does a free press look like?

Maybe I haven't read enough about AES states, but I'm quite curious what people here think is a good model for a free press. While I once thought that maybe you could allow people and/or businesses to still get paid by "customers" for providing press yikes-1yikes-2yikes-3 , I've realized that that doesn't really make any sense at all. Profit motive and good press will always be at odds, whether through over-sensationalizing or just by reporting what's in the interest of the owners. porky-happy

So, I think not allowing the press to be a profiting entity of any kind, nor one that ever runs ads for any reason (of course these go hand in hand) is a no brainer centrist . And so money to fund the organizations must come from some taxes (I'm thinking of a DoP stage of development porky-scared ).

But then what should the press organizational structure actually be? What best way could you separate it from both the state and I suppose the party mao-wave itself . Should there be press orgs at every municipal level, up through counties and states/national governments? Councils of citizens not-a-journalist which are involved to have some say over organizational policy and journalistic standards (including the journalists in said councils of course).

I'm open to all sorts of ideas, just would like to hear people's takes because every day we see more and more just how truly broken our laughable western "press" really is.dumpster-fire

Plus anyone who has cool ideas about how socialist school/health systems should work I also love hearing those! stalin-feels-good

  • State run press is a good foundation I think, you just need to make sure that it's as transparent as possible and the only way journalists are fired is for real violations of journalistic integrity. I'm not exactly sure what is to be done about censoring things that could be weaponized against the revolution, though. On one hand, if there's something like state repression of minority groups the people deserve to know about that and have the means to organize against it. On the other hand, if malicious actors are trying to amplify negative news about current events just to weaken the revolutionary government, a la Radio Free Asia, there should still be means to censor that.

  • nor one that ever runs ads for any reason

    it should run obviously fake ads as a honeypot and people that fall for them get supplementary media literacy education.

    i don't think you can have a true version of the lie we're sold about free press when capitalist states exist

  • Re socialist school systems: there are already models for that.

    For younger kids, I'm a fan of the Reggio Amelia model, where teachers observe kids' interests, create "provocations" to deepen their understanding of the interest, note how the kids adapt to it, and create a new provocation.

    It's also got things where adults try to only give orders if a kid is in danger, and instead explain consequences, i.e. "if you dump the paint on the floor, it will take a long time to clean up and we won't have paint to paint with."

    For older kids, I like the Subury model where all decisions in the school are handled by the kids through concensus, including budgeting decisions, hiring and review, curriculum, etc. They also do their own maintenance and construction.

    I like these models because besides they get kids ready to self and co-govern, which is imo, a prerequisit for communism.

  • No idea never seen one