What the title says. What are you plan on playing starfield on? Xbox or PC?
I have a PC I built around 2011-2012 and only upgraded the GPU since then. It runs games like Skyrim, Fallout, City Skylines and Civ6 at highest settings. I’m a pretty sure I’ll need a new PC.
What are all you planning on using to play starfield? I’m leaning towards PC because I enjoy modding games but curious what you with Xbox think. Will modding be easier on Xbox now that there is no PlayStation version?
How do you like the Xbox Series X? As much as I want to build a PC, I don’t have the time to build one so considering just getting an Xbox and get Game Pass. The last console I had was PS3, so it’s been some time. Even at that time though, I had about 3 games for it so I didn’t use it all that often.
I had Xbox since 360 times, and I was always happy with it. Back then I also had a gaming PC. But as I grew older and now also have family, I just don’t have nor want to spend time on compatibility issues and upgrading hardware.
I also had PS 4 few years back to play The Last of us, Detroit became human and death stranding. It was good with these games, but I just like more Xbox because of its UI, console design and build, and game pass.
Game pass is great if you just happen to have some free time and want to just play some game. But it has AAA titles too, can’t wait next week for starfield.