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WIBTA If I didn’t pay my friend to cat sit?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/NoTea-NoShade on 2023-07-27 16:06:40+00:00.

I’m going away for 3/4 days and have asked a friend to cat sit for me. She stayed at mine free for a month whilst moving house so she likes and know them and knows the place it’s not far from hers

She agreed not asked for money and will stay at mine to better commute to work during the time. It’s just feeding and fussing then making sure they’re ok, I’ve never left my cats this long before.

She hasn’t asked for any money, and another friend said it’s ok not to pay as it’s what friends do, but WIBTA to just expect this favour, or should I compensate her for the hassle? Am I overthinking?