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AITA for not taking my roommate’s dog out and still expecting her to do dishes even though she’s “depressed”?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/angrylemon_6 on 2023-07-27 15:57:12+00:00.

TL;DR My roommate won’t do her dishes until there’s mold and won’t take her dog out to pee (for the entire day) because she’s “so depressed” but will still go out with friends at night??

My roommate (30F) just got a corgi. We have only been living together for a few months but we joked (KEY WORD JOKED) about getting a dog. I always ended the conversations surrounding it with haha but for real no. I don’t want a dog. We’re just messing. And then she got one.

Now she doesn’t take care of it. She is always in crisis over something and claims she has the type of personality to get really depressed over certain situations (currently situationship problems) and just “not have the energy to do anything”.

I would believe her except that she told me this after putting a full face of makeup on and being all dressed up to go out with friends and dance/drink. She goes in to her room and leaves the dog out with the expectation that whoever is home will completely take over his care when she doesn’t feel like being a parent to him.

Yesterday she was home all day and didn’t take him out once, which in my book is animal abuse. AITA for not wanting to take care of him either and for not believing her when she says she’s “too depressed” to take care of her dog and household chores but can still go out and party at night?