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AITA for asking my co-worker to leave me alone?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Wailmore on 2023-07-27 15:26:24+00:00.

I work in customer service (M19). I was working a closing shift with one of my co-workers, and wasn’t having a good shift. I was making a bunch of small mistakes, things weren’t getting done when I needed them to be because there were so many customers and it was only the two of us (My co-worker had other things to do, so absolutely no blame towards them), and I even had something fall on top of me. All of this combined made me pretty frustrated at myself, but to make matters worse, my co-worker was also being snappy with me that day which just added to my frustration.

We’re about 10 minutes from closing, I have a headache from all the frustration, and my co-worker is still harping on me. I ask her to leave me alone for a bit so that I can cool off my frustration. I didn’t yell, I didn’t insult or spread any blame to them, all I did was ask, and even offered to chat about it later, because I knew we probably were going to anyways. They accept and I take care of everything else that needed to be done. Later, my co-worker decides to take the exact opposite approach I did and starts yelling at me. I politely tried to explain how I was feeling, but they cut me off and got even angrier. Turns out they was also in a bad mood because they’re also a cop (I knew this in advance) and were investigating a fatal car accident that happened in town (Did not know they were part of the investigation).

I know that it probably wasn’t the best choice for me to ask them to leave me alone, but I feel like I handled the situation quite maturely given the decision I chose. But I feel also feel really bad about not being more tolerant after finding out they were dealing with so much at the time, even if I didn’t blame them for anything. Am I the asshole?