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AITA for calling my boyfriend spoiled because his parents are planning to buy him a brand new 2024 vehicle and not owe them money back?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/lionprincesslioness on 2023-07-27 15:23:22+00:00.

My (40m) boyfriend told me that he was planning to get new 2024 Subaru Outback since he is not very fond that his 2011 Nissan Rogue takes up a lot of gasoline. After some research yesterday, the 2024 Subaru Outback he is looking at is looking to be $35,000 dollars.

I also want to add that my boyfriend only works part time (10 AM to 2 PM) Mon-Fri. His job doesn't offer full time, but he loves his job so much he doesn't want to leave, but with this being said, his paychecks tend to be low compared to people with full time jobs.

I was happy that he was looking to finally get rid of that 2011 Nissan Rogue. As a girlfriend who cares about him, I was asking what his plan was to pay off the $35,000-dollar 2024 Subaru Outback. He told me "Oh, my dad is going to buy it for me 100% paid off".

I thought that was cool, but I proceeded that conversation with the question "Are you planning to pay him back"? He replied with "No. He's just going buy it for me. I don't owe him anything at all."

I was a little bit stunned. My parents never spend $35,000 dollars on a car for me without expecting me to pay them back. Admittingly, I was jealous when he told me this. His dad is a retired lawyer, so he DOES have a lot of money.

Sarcastically I said "Wow, you're totally not spoiled at all." Based on the silence, I think I offended him with that comment. He changed the topic completely and we stopped discussing the new vehicle after I said this. I feel bad.

AITA or is it "factual" that his dad spoiled him for planning to pay off this brand new car completely without my boyfriend paying a single penny?