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What's for dinner tonight? Sat 07 Oct 2023

  • Chicken & Vegetable stir-fry tonight, served on rice. It's a bit late because I completely lost track of time today.

  • Bought a rotisserie chook yesterday, had the marylands with chips, veg and gravy last night, and shredded the rest up with some other veg to make tacos tonight. The chook looked tiny, but we still have enough leftover to make chicken mayo sandwiches for lunch tomorrow.. All up I reckon it was $50 for three meals for two.

  • Air fried drumsticks, saffron rice and salads. It was warm over here today.

  • It's race weekend, I live near the track and I've got 9 extra bodies in my house...

    Sausage sandwiches is what we had, boring as that is, the guests cooked and fed every one.

    Go Holden, or whatever, I just enjoy the grog they leave behind.