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AITA because I "made" my son watch Barbie?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Abandoned4 on 2023-07-26 15:52:04+00:00.

My kids and I went to the movies yesterday while my wife was working. My oldest is seventeen. He, his ten year old brother and I wanted to watch Oppenheimer. My daughter and my youngest son wanted to watch Barbie. I really didn't want to watch Barbie, but since my daughter is thirteen, I really couldn't in good conscious leave her in charge of a four year old, even just for the length of the movie.

I asked my seventeen year old how much the going rate was for babysitting. He said at the moment, $50 + snacks. So I gave him $50 to take his siblings to Barbie, and the ten year old and I watched Oppenheimer. Turns out Oppenheimer is an hour longer than Barbie, so when their movie ended, my son called my wife to come pick them up.

When I got home, she was pissed at me. She said she couldn't believe I fobbed off two of our kids on our oldest so I could watch what I wanted to watch. I pointed out that I paid him, and she said the fact I think that makes a difference shows there's something wrong with me. I said we would have been watching different movies regardless, the only difference is who got which movie, and he set his price. She doesn't care and said I'm a huge asshole. She said I should have just watched Barbie with our daughter, and it would have made her happy. She didn't care though! Am I crazy and an asshole, or did I do nothing wrong?