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AITA - Sister expects me to dog/house sit for free - then pretends I don’t exist

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/fireytrashcan on 2023-07-27 13:52:27+00:00.

For starters, my sister (32F with 1 toddler and pregnant) and I (26F single and no kids) are not close whatsoever. She has a large indifference towards me and I’ve returned the same. Last summer, she asked me to watch her dogs and cats at her house for a combination of three weeks. My house is about 5 minutes from my workplace. However, at her residence, it’s about a 30 min drive commute one way. Last year, I watched her animals for two weeks and she didn’t pay me anything, nor did she offer. My thoughts at the time were - whatever - I was in school online/unemployed and I didn’t have to leave her place for anything necessary.

Well, this year I’ve had a job. And gas prices have rose considerably. As mentioned previously, her house is 30 mins away vs my 5 mins away from where I work full time. She knows this. Neither last year nor this year when I’ve house sat/watched her animals for her has she reimbursed me nor has she made an offer to do so. Also she came back from her vacation she walked right past me and didn’t say a word to me nor looked at me. She treated me like I didn’t exist.

Am I the asshole for being irritated that she didn’t at least make an offer to pay me while also completely ignoring my existence after helping her? I feel like my sister (while she is barely a sister at all) has taken advantage of me and I’ve been pretty irritated to say the least. Personally… regardless of who had to watch my animals and the distance, I would’ve at least offered. Hell, my best friend paid me $150 for watching her dog for two days last year, however I returned her money fully.