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AITA for not wanting to pay if I could go for free?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Beautiful_Record_782 on 2023-07-27 13:47:51+00:00.

There's an upcoming festival that I wanted to go to, but believed the ticket is quite expensive. However, as luck as it, a friend of mine won a giveaway and received a couple tickets for free. He decided to give me one and I could not be happier. I repeat, for free. He won them for free and gave them to us for free.

Now, I have a girlfriend and this guy didn't give her an invite too as they're not that close. She wasn't ok with me going without her so after a brief fight she decided to buy a ticket to come with us. But as I said, it was quite expensive. Imagine you would have to pay 800$ for a ticket adding the cost of transport, accommodation and food.

Besides the ticket, everyone would share the costs, but since we had the tickets for free, girlfriend had to buy her own. She firstly tried to make us all chime in, but everyone natural refused. She then told me I should cover half the ticket cost, but I didn't think it's fair. Having to pay 400$ when I could go for free? I understand it's a heavy lift on her, but these are the facts. I didn't ask the guy to invite me and couldn't argue about inviting my GF too. I wish to go with her, of course, but it is what it is.

I explained this to her and told her that 400$ is a considerable amount for me and she called me an unsupportive AH. I sort of understand her frustration, but I think she overreacted. We're not kids anymore and we can't always have everything as easy as the others.