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AARO's Overlooked UAP Admission🛸💥BOMBSHELL! AARO's Overlooked UAP Admission🛸💥BOMBSHELL!

The US Government quietly revealed UFO crash retrieval and exploitation in July, one month after David Grusch went public. The "US Defense Department and the UAP Mission" paper, has astonishingly eluded both mainstream and alternative media spotlight. This will blow your mind and you will want to ch...

AARO's Overlooked UAP Admission🛸💥BOMBSHELL!
  • What type of technology does US government have difficulty understanding?

    I'd say almost all of it. Have you seen Mark Zuckerberg getting asked questions from Congress? The government has no clue about technology.

  • The document truly does contain some cryptic wording that could hint at the government already having recovered UAP or having more knowledge of them than they let on. The phrasing also suggest objects outside the realm of human making and understanding. Though, it could always just be establishing protocols for the hypothetical case that they do come across something “enigmatic”. However, it’s also not like the government to create protocols for something unless there is a strong likelihood of occurring.