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  • 13 Minutes to the Moon

    Season 1 is essential listening. It's not very long, and takes you through the journey of putting astronauts on the moon with tech far less advanced that what you're reading this on. It came sooooo close to failure on more than one occasion. When that lander touched down, it had something like 8 seconds of fuel left.

    Season 2 is the story in detail of the Apollo 13 mission. If you loved Season 1 and want more, then go right ahead. I liked season 2, but nowhere near as much.

  • I feel like my regular rotation is slight in comparison to what other folks are posting, but podcasts are an unwinding kind of activity for me, so I don't really want to be inundated with current events or heavy topics. Accordingly, here's a bunch of "Arts and Culture" type recommendations.

    Bandsplain: Yasi Salek explores bands' discographies, usually with a guest who is a self-described super fan of the band being discussed. I think it's a Spotify exclusive, which is a bummer, but they leverage that to actually play relevant songs at certain points in the cast. A good way to remove blindspots in your catalog, or to achieve a greater understanding of artists' holistic output, rather than just the hits.

    Blank Check: A podcast about filmographies. Each "season" covers a different director, and the hosts examine their career chronologically. Fun, and it encourages me to finally tackle movie blindspots. They are doing the first half of Spielberg's career at the moment, most recently discussing 1987's Empire of the Sun.

    Eye of the Duck: A podcast about movie genres / vibes. Each "season" is a different kind of film, and the hosts select emblematic examples to examine in chronological order, with a mind towards how the genre evolved over time. Examples of past topics include Alien Invasion, 80s Dark Fantasy, Space Movies, and so on. They are typically a little more "film school brain" than most amateur podcasts, which I appreciate, but may not be everyone's cup of tea.

    Three Moves Ahead: Weekly video game podcast, with a heavy emphasis on strategy games. I'm not a regular listener, but I will often check to see if they've done an episode on a particular game that I'm playing.

    Every F'n FF: Three folks (who I think are involved in the speed running scene) on a quest to complete every Final Fantasy game. This coincided with a replay of FFX that I embarked upon. Sadly I think X-2 may have broke them, as they've not uploaded since last October, but it does look like they completed 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 13, and Dirge of Cerberus.

  • The fall of civilizations - it tells the story of the rise and fall of different groups of people through history. Often with readings in the original tongue.

    From the same creator “vaccine” is the history of the creation of the works first vaccines. Neither podcast has any ads which is awesome.

    Lastly factually with Adam conover is great. Comedian discussing often political issues.

  • Podcasts are my thing. I've got you covered.

    Depends on what you're into:

    More or Less: Behind the Stats - analysis of some statistic from the news

    The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos - what science says about how to be happy

    The Audio Long Read - long form articles from the Guardian newspaper

    You Are Not So Smart - cognitive science related. How we know things, our biases, how our thinking is flawed, etc.

    Dan Snow's History Hit - One of the few history podcasts I really like

    Short History Of... - a short history of some specific thing

    The Forum - expert panel discussion about some topic

    Behind the Bastards - Very well known podcast focusing on some bastard personality

    CrowdScience - in depth investigation of a listener science question

    Radiolab - in depth investigation of a topic of their interest. Quite broad scope.

    Unexpected Elements - a very varied mix of discussions around a science topic from the news

    Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Tim Harford is the podcast king for me. This show is a deep dive into something that went wrong in news or history, and an investigation of all the systemic failures around it. It tries to show how blame is hardly ever warranted on a single person and the systems are at fault.

    The Martin Lewis Podcast - UK consumer advocate and saving guru

    Show Me The Meaning! A Wisecrack podcast - a couple of philosophers talk about a movie

    The Inquiry - a deep dive into a news story

    Revisionist History - Malcolm Gladwell's podcast about a range of different things

    The Law Show - UK legal system issues

    The Infinite Monkey Cage - comedy science panel show

    The Supermassive Podcast - space related podcast

    File on 4 investigates - detailed story from deep investigative journalism

    Thinking Allowed - light philosophical ramblings

    When It Hits the Fan - two public relations experts talk about PR issues from current events

    Discovery - science related. Currently mostly doing shows about "a life scientific" I.e. talking to a scientist about their life

    Overthink - philosophy made accessible

    What It's Like To Be.. - a person from a particular occupation talks about their job

    People Fixing the World - people from different parts of the world fixing some local problem in their community in a creative way

    Hidden Brain - my absolute favourite. Cognitive science related. Explains how the brain works and how to use the understanding to male your own love better.

    Within Reason Your Parenting Mojo - evidence based parenting. Can be a very dry long-winded research presentation, but this has improved my parenting (and life) immensely

    sideways - different ideas and how to look at things differently

    Darknet Diaries - stories from the dark underbelly of the internet

    The Reith Lectures - once a year short lecture series, but well worth listening to the backlog

    Evil Genius with Russell Kane - comedians discuss how some villains from history weren't so bad and how some heroes from history were terrible people

    Owls at Dawn - ramblings of a couple of philosophers

    Sound of Gaming - excellent music show about music soundtracks from videogames

    Playing god? - medical ethics discussion

    30 Animals That Made Us Smarter - this series has ended but it is worth listening to the backlog

    50 Things That Made the Modern Economy - this series has ended but it is worth listening to the backlog

    A History of the World in 100 Objects - this series has ended but it is worth listening to the backlog

    I would also recommend the podcast series made to accompany the Chernobyl and Last of Us TV series.

    S Town - a nice fiction mini series drama story.

  • This is my list from 2017:

    Interestingly I still listen to mos of them with the exception of the technology ones. Somehow technology podcasts started boring me a couple of years ago so I stopped listening to them, with one notable exception, the HomeAssistant podcast.

  • Some that I’ve been on and off listening to (because I struggle to consistently listen to anything in particular)

    • UNBIASED politics
    • ChooseFI
    • do it yourself

    There’s a bunch of other financial coaching type podcasts that I’ve listened to, but I haven’t been much in the financial coaching game in a while