Cross-app URL aliases (like shell aliases) powered by Nginx.
Cross-app URL aliases (like shell aliases) powered by Nginx.
# source of truth for URL aliases # - used by url-alias-setup and url-alias # - can be modified to add new aliases declare -A __url_alias=( ["g"]="" ["r"]="" ["h"]="" ) # url-alias # - print the current URL aliases function url-alias () { local green="\033[32m" local cyan="\033[36m" local reset="\033[0m" echo "${green}URL aliases:${reset}" for alias in "${!__url_alias[@]}"; do echo "${cyan}${alias}${reset} -> ${__url_alias[${alias}]}" done echo "${green}To add new aliases, edit the ${cyan}__url_alias${green} array and run ${cyan}url-alias-setup${reset}" } # return either 'linux' or 'macos' function get_platform () { case "$(uname -s)" in Darwin) echo "macos" ;; Linux) echo "linux" ;; *) echo "unsupported platform" exit 1 ;; esac } platform=$(get_platform) # url-alias-setup # - sets up URL aliases # - this is done by modifying the /etc/hosts file and the nginx configuration # - if changes are made, nginx is (re)started function url-alias-setup () { # nginx config (platform dependent) if [[ "$platform" == "macos" ]]; then local nginx_config="/usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" else local nginx_config="/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" fi # create new nginx config and hosts file local new_hosts="" read -r -d '' new_nginx_config << 'EOF' worker_processes 1; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; keepalive_timeout 65; EOF for alias in "${!__url_alias[@]}"; do local url="${__url_alias[$alias]}" new_hosts="${new_hosts}\n127.0.0.1 ${alias}" read -r -d '' server_blocks << EOF server { listen 80; server_name ${alias}; location / { rewrite ^ ${url} permanent; } } EOF new_nginx_config="${new_nginx_config}\n ${server_blocks}" done new_nginx_config="${new_nginx_config}\n}" # replace files # if file already exists, prompt user to overwrite echo "Saving new nginx config and hosts file..." if [[ -f "${nginx_config}" ]]; then echo "File ${nginx_config} already exists. Overwrite? (y/n)" read -r overwrite if [[ "${overwrite}" != "y" ]]; then echo "Aborting..." return 1 fi fi echo -e "${new_nginx_config}" | sudo tee "${nginx_config}" > /dev/null if [[ -f "/etc/hosts" ]]; then echo "File /etc/hosts already exists. Overwrite? (y/n)" read -r overwrite if [[ "${overwrite}" != "y" ]]; then echo "Aborting..." return 1 fi fi echo -e "${new_hosts}" | sudo tee /etc/hosts > /dev/null # start or restart nginx echo "Restarting nginx..." if [[ "$platform" == "macos" ]]; then nginx -s reload else sudo systemctl restart nginx fi }