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  • I'm 29 so maybe I'm too young for this statement but if you ask me it's because younger celebrities tend to be the result of nepotism and don't have any actual talents.

    • which has always been true

      • The nepotism part has always been true, and talentless celebrities have been around as long as the concept of "celebrity" has, but the category of celebrities "being famous for no reason" did not truly exist until Paris Hilton. Princesses and Kings aren't "celebrities".

  • I used to be really into new music. Now I have 10 bands I listen to and just hope they keep releasing new albums.

    I used to be really into standup. Now people mention it and all I can think to say is "Kyle Kinane is still doing comedy, right?"

    I used to be really into movies. The newest I've seen recently is the Bob's Burgers movie.

    But hey, at least I'm ignoring a lot of my hobbies these days!