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  • I'll start, the whole "Spider-Man movies without Spider-Man" that Sony was trying to pull out was completely stupid. Moebius, Madame Webb, Kraven... Not even sure which one is the worse out of that bunch.

    Ironically, Joker is similar on paper but took a completely different approach, and was a success (Joker 2, not so much).

    • Joker worked because it was not a Batman Film, not even a superhero movie. It was just a good old drama.

  • "Captain America: Brave New World".

    While it's still ambiguous whether it financially flopped or not, its' reception has certainly damaged the MCU brand as a whole. Even the most rabid MCU fans were barely able to muster up a "It's okay, I guess".

    The next trainwrecks I look forward to following are Snow White and Minecraft. Particularly Minecraft. I know it's gonna suck, and I'll be first in line to see it.

    • Yes, both are going to be stellar disaster. Minecraft is going to follow the trend of bad video adaptations, Borderlands being the last example. (Mario Bros movie was cool, however)

      • (Mario Bros movie was cool, however)

        Don't forget the Sonic the Hedgehog trilogy! It could have gone down that path had it not been for the CGI backlash.