Welcome to Costco, I love you
Welcome to Costco, I love you
Welcome to Costco, I love you
You can order from Costco online with no prescription or membership. You're welcome.
Do they deliver to Asia?
It's called plan B in the US? We call it "the morning-after pill" where I live. I think it's a bit more self-explanatory.
Six dollars?
Why have I been paying three hundred for them?
You know, theoretically, it is possible to order the raw pharmaceutical ingredients to make Plan B, in bulk, directly from overseas manufacturers who don't ask too many questions. For three hundred you could order enough raw ingredients to make enough doses that you could measurably alter the birth rate of a small nation state.
Your mistake is not buying them in bulk.
Where you going? $50 for the name brand where I'm at, $25 generic.
It's funny because my good insurance (RIP) paid for my sterilization, all but $6. Seems like that's the going rate for fuckin off pregnancy
Sadly this is no longer true of Costco where I live. You now need a membership to use their pharmacy in at least my part of the US.
Edit: See below, sounds like I was wrong
Most front end employees do not know that federal regulations supersede their authority. Politely ask to see a manager.
Pharmacies are regulated by the FDA (for now anyway. Who knows what things will look like a month from now) and pharmacies cannot bar customers from using their services.
In New York, it’s just on the store shelf. They sell it at target. Although, you do need to have an employee unlock it for you.
I was also surprised at how cheap it is.
I picked up abortion pills a few times doing deliveries in a really conservative area in the U.S. Mildly interesting getting a lot of weird looks because its always locked down or the head pharmacist had to give the okay
Are you talking about plan B type pills? They are not an abortifacient. Common misconception (important to correct though).
Per FDA link:
Q. Is Plan B One-Step an abortifacient (causing abortion)?
A. No. Plan B One-Step will not work if a person is already pregnant, meaning it will not affect an existing pregnancy. Plan B One-Step prevents pregnancy by acting on ovulation, which occurs well before implantation. Evidence does not support that the drug affects implantation or maintenance of a pregnancy after implantation, therefore it does not terminate a pregnancy.
I appreciate the correction. I definitely never asked for a license to dispense anything, and it was definitely FDA okay
Last time I went to a Costco pharmacy I had to be escorted there and back.
Sometimes I think they were looking for a Costco CEO and had a meeting where they played idiocracy and said, "how do we get that?"
Damn she didn’t get her tubes tied after plopping out two gremlins? Yeesh.
Edit: simmer down guys, it was a fucking joke.
Do you know how hard it is to get a doctor to tie your tubes together?
I know one woman who was in a position where being pregnant would be dangerous, and they still made her go through therapy sessions to check that she was really sure.
Conversely, my vesctomy was "you know that's permanent, right? Ok, I'll get you a referral." A 30 minute chat with a urologist after that about the details, and then we scheduled it.
Dude, I'm so fucking reluctant to say this because we get this all the time as vegans, but...
Antinatalists make antinatalism look obnoxious as fuck.
That was nothing. You should have seen how toxic and slur filled the reddit community was. Antinatalists fucking suck, at least vegans are doing it for the wellbeing of a life.
If this was a joke, it wasn't a very good one
So much for not telling women what to do with their own bodies.