Anon self-improves
Anon self-improves
Anon self-improves
Anon is depressed and self-sabotaged because he doesn't think he's worthy of love. Therapists should really advertise in 4chan.
That or he didn't love her, he didn't say anything about love or emotional attachment or anything, just that she was Asian and fucked him.
Anon wasn't after a relationship, he was after a sex toy, and fundamentally misunderstanding what a relationship is and being in one that was entirely loveless was draining on him. He just didn't realise why.
You make a valid point but I'd argue that someone who can't differentiate a want for sex from a want for a relationship still urgently needs a therapist.
but this time I don't care
I mean, maybe he's just happy on his own for now? It's ok to have moments of doubt here and there (re: "staring at my PC" , "did it do it right") but just because they broke up with their gf and went back to their self improvement routine doesn't automatically mean self sabotage and all that.
I'd agree if his "self-improvement routine" wasn't just hitting the gym.
If they're happier with their gym routine than they are with their girlfriend, she's the wrong girlfriend. Anon did it right.
Yeah it's telling the only things he said about her was that she's asian, makes him food and has sex with him.
Annon has very 4chan-esque ideas about what a relationship is about and what he should get from it.
Yup, a good SO fit will make you want to be better.
could also be aromantic and just doesn't know it
The boy needs therapy
Not fake, definitely gay.
Breaking up wasn't a bad idea. If he wasn't invested in the relationship, he did her a favor.
On the road to realizing he’s gay
These fake thought experiments convincing yourself a cute Asian GF isn't actually good for you anyway can do that.
He finally realized the true way to life a proper life as a man
Fuck, I was kinda doing alright, making friends, getting out, part of a big kink/group sex community, then I met my current GF, I haven't been to a sex party in months, I feel miserable 50% of the time, honestly most difficult person I've ever been with because of the way she sees life and relationships, wondering if I should break up with her.
Only thing is I think I'm fooling myself Re how miserable I was
I'll be real you just might not be cut out for monogamy and thats okay. Talk to them about how you are feeling.
You should definitely break up with her, you're not on an emotional maturity level to be in any serious relationship. She should be set free to find someone grown.
Holy hell, 4chan is worse on the brain than lead.
Sounds like they figured themselves out