Let’s play a game! Details in description [F]
Let’s play a game! Details in description [F]
The game is simple, I’ll post once a day and the more attention I get, the more clothes I take off each post. Let’s see how fast you guys undress me :)
Let’s play a game! Details in description [F]
The game is simple, I’ll post once a day and the more attention I get, the more clothes I take off each post. Let’s see how fast you guys undress me :)
Umm I had really bad day, your post made me happy 😊, I liked this challenge hehe, I wanna spank your juicey ass
Does female attention also count ?
Of course it does! :)
I respect the "I'm here for attention, now give it"
Thank you! Makes it more fun don’t you think? For me it’s a kink and I’m open about it.
Oh as someone who has posted erotic content on Reddit before I understand.
Out of interest did you use Reddit prior and if so, how different is interaction here.
I see there are a lot less users but there seems to be even less creators here (probably on the grounds that it's hardly worth advertising here) so maybe less saturated?
I'm downvoting your posts on principle.
I hate attention whores.
There's downvotes?
To each their own.. I am an attention whore and nothing should be wrong with that
The pose just makes me picture touching you while you're suspended like that.
A bunch of people seem to be against the whole attention whore thing. I, for one, am a massiv e voyeur. Attention whores are one of my favorite things on the planet.
As long as you don't tease just to try to get us to your OF or Fansley to extract money then it is all just some harmless horny fun.
I will enjoy the show and decry the haters. You go on being hot and seeking attention. 😘 🥵
The problem I can see with it is taking attention away from other people. It Should be in it's own community so people can block it or follow it if they want. I don't have any specific issue with it except that it forces everyone else to do the same thing or not be seen (assuming there's enough content to get to that point).
It's like youtubers all having to follow the trend if telling people to like and subscribe and that crap. Either you follow or you get left behind. It sucks. Algorithm manipulation is bad.
Aw thanks! ☺️ I don’t get why people would be against it either. I’m not trying to sell anything and I’m showing myself at no cost. Nowadays anything makes people mad lol
I think it is more jaded than mad. We are come to these communities to hang out and spend time in a space with like minded individuals, and when OF girls spam post to sell stuff it cheapens the whole thing. We become a market instead of a place to show off and hang out. All of us are a market everywhere else in our lives, it would be nice to have a fun space full of hot women showing off that is absent that constant drive towards our wallets.
I have nothing against OF girls or any other sex worker, I just recognize that there are times and places for selling themselves.
Damn that's hot! If I was in the gym with you I would struggle not to look (stare)...
Okay, now this is what I’m talking about. We need more game like this.
... Would your rules imply that if you get no attention, you would just keep adding on overshirts and jackets and more and more hats, gloves, shalls, etc?
It wouldn’t go that far, but pics would be equivalent of this one. So far, I’m very happy with the amount of attention received though. It’s definitely leaning towards more exposure on the next post ;)
What constitutes as 'enough' attention? We need benchmarks here ^^
You’ll see based on the picture I post tomorrow. No specific bench marks other than how horny do the comments make me. I’ll be the judge :)
@ThirstyKatelyn what a sexy little cameltoe!
Glad you like it :) comments like this make me wet
@ThirstyKatelyn not as wet as me giving that cameltoe a little rub would do
Damnit. I have to see more.
Oh there will be more for sure :)
Phew you are hot, can’t wait to see more 🥵
All right. Well you've got my attention! Let's see where we can get this!
Love the camel toe btw.
Getting closer and closer :) thanks!
I'm up for helping undress you!!
Sounds fun!
What's with the censored boxes on the image?
I think so :) just removed the brand logos!
I refuse to believe they aren't very tiny pornographic rectangles
I'm at attention for sure, I mean, you have my attention lol
You have my undivided attention.
That’s what I like to hear :)