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  • Why are Republicans always wrong about literally everything? Oh, that's right. Faith-based belief system instead of a reality-based belief system.

    • Protecting their ridiculous regressive views of how the west was won exploited via cattle and oil. They all want to protect their landowners that control huge chunks of farm and grazing land, and a significant chunk of that land is used to feed cattle. Get rid of the need to feed and raise cattle and Big Donors might be upset.

  • Leave it to one of the lowest education scoring states, that most folks actively flee, to do some dumb shit.


    Agriculture [in Mississippi] is a major industry.

    Mmmhmm. Looks like Mississippi has a cattle rancher industry association. One would imagine that that group isn't too keen on competition from meat from a lab.

    We Represent Mississippi's Cattlemen

    Mississippi Cattlemen's Association is focused on addressing local, state and federal issues that impact the long-term viability of cattle farming in Mississippi.

    From the article:

    Mississippi’s agriculture commissioner, Andy Gipson, has criticized the cultivated meat industry, and he supported a 2019 bill that prevented cultivated meat products being labeled as meat in the state. In 2024 he published a post on his website that commended the cultivated meat bans in Florida and Alabama. “I want my steak to come from farm-raised beef, not a petri-dish from a lab,” he wrote.

    Sounds like Mr. Gipson isn't too keen on that lab-grown meat either. First is was just labeling, and now it's outright banning.

    Let's look into Andy Gipson's biography!

    Andy Gipson serves as Mississippi’s eighth Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce.

    Uh huh.

    Gipson has owned and managed a cattle operation in Simpson County for more than 20 years and a tree farm since 2004. He is a member of the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association and the Simpson County Development Foundation.

    Well, now, there's a coincidence. He happens to be part of the industry and the industry advocacy association that he's regulating. Sure is a small world!