The Tesla protests are getting bigger — and rowdier
The Tesla protests are getting bigger — and rowdier

The Tesla protests are getting bigger — and rowdier
Fight fight fight against the right. Rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.
We can do better. Bigger. Rowdier.
If someone figures out a quick and efficient way to light their batteries on fire, they might be able to bankrupt Tesla in short order. Landlords would kick their showrooms for fear of building fires. People would stop buying due to fear of .. fire. If on top of that a few Tesla parking lots with new cars became unfit for sale ...
Pneumatic car jack with a spike on the end of it. Slide it under the middle of the car where the batteries are. Apply compressed air from a high pressure nitrogen tank. Release pressure, move on to next car.
They kinda do that on their own already
Molotov CockTesla.
Some performers and signs?
The French are putting everyone else to shame. Although I think a dozen car fires counts as a slow weekend for them.
Violence is never the answer, that being said, we can't allow the French to outdo us
I mean with the recent stuff going on with them trying to deport someone for the pro-palestine protests I'm just reminded of the quote "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
Violence isn't the answer, it's the question. And the answer is yes.
I don't know what you mean by that. Violence is always an option, and is quite often a solution. It's never the optimal solution, but quite often a perfect solution does not exist. You're competing with violence - violence is the control, and if you can't come up with a solution better than it in time, people will opt for it.
Well he could stop being such a dipshit for once
You are correct violence is never the answer, it's a question and the answer is yes. Unless you want something from someone long term then it's more profitable overall to make a long term trade agreement backed up by ultra violence, like degloving them and then rolling them around in salt like a meat stick... Mmm meat stick.
France outdoing the US in Tesla protests is last week's news. The US is catching up. From the article:
Last week, Tesla charging stations in Boston were set ablaze... Gunshots shattered windows and damaged cars at a Tesla showroom in Oregon...And Colorado authorities arrested a woman accused of tossing Molotov cocktails at Tesla cars parked at a dealership and allegedly spray-painting an expletive at the entrance.
“Nazi-like salute…”
Pretty gross they continue to cover for this Nazi diptard
If Elon's companies start to go bankrupt, everyone will be happy
$tsla is down over 14% so far today. Such good work that has practical benefits that goes far beyond just symbolism. Much of Musk’s financial house of cards is banked on the perceived value of his Tesla shares. If those shares lose their value, a lot of lenders, like those who financed his twitter purchase, are going to call those loans. Without the money on paper, his political influence shrinks. Keep up the pressure. I myself had the pleasure of flipping off two cybertrucks yesterday.