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Republicans aim to generate support for selling off America's public lands

  • I think nothing would elevate the hatred of billionaires more than if they buy up the national parks for their own private estates.

    Great Smokey national park is now the walton's family compound

    Rocky Mountain National park is now the gates compound

    Yosemite becomes musk's outdoor playground

    The grand canyon is bezo's now

    Just writing that elevated my blood pressure

  • Everytime I think American’s reach new lows, someone finds a shovel and keeps digging.

  • The level of ultra-capitalist dystopia in the USA is incredible

    • That portion of the book from Rapture of the Nerds where they visit the hellscape that is the United States is becoming ever more prescient.

  • They plan to sell it off and strip mine it. Drill & frack the US to death.

  • LOL, "support".

    You mean among just the redcaps? And does it even need to be a majority of those motherfuckers?