Feeling great today, veiny and swole <3
Feeling great today, veiny and swole <3
New to lemmy, still figuring this all out. Anyone want to PM me who knows their way around here? I won't bite....of course I will.
Feeling great today, veiny and swole <3
New to lemmy, still figuring this all out. Anyone want to PM me who knows their way around here? I won't bite....of course I will.
Looking great! And you certainly dont miss leg day... Or a glute focused workout... Or arms...
Seriously I'm envious of your butt. That takes effort.
ty, gets easier when you become your own motivation :)
Welcome to LemmyNSFW! Hope to see more of you. Feel free to ask here /DM me if you have questions
Thank you for the kind welcome. Hope to pick things up here quick...I'm tech literate but I'll definitely reach out for help.