Boolean Algebra
Boolean Algebra
Boolean Algebra
the left one is some figure that was made after inspiration from the cabbala:
the right one is just a bunch of logical connections
the middle one is probably some classifier
all of them probably have a part in being an attempt to make some neural-network-like scheme.
so, yes, logic is useful.
Holy shit is that an Evangelion reference?!
That's a neat hopscotch
Of all the things I learned on college, boolean algebra is probably the one I use most (went to actuarial sciences college, but my day to day job is more akin to data sciences, and use boolean algebra for masks and vectorized operations all day).
So some guy named George Bool invented Boolean algebra and you really expect me to believe this shit ?
Does feddit have country based blocking? Images don't load for me, and when i tried to open from poster instace, the site does not load. Works with a vpn though
Bold words coming from someone who made that meme built on Boolean logic.
Modus anus
Boolean algebra is for chums, Modal Logic is where it's at.
I say "Pro" and you say "log" \o/
I don’t think the first of the images is a boolean algebra.
It's Post's Lattice, seems somewhat important to more complicated boolean algebra; there's a neat write-up on it here.
Nah that is just a biblically accurate boolen algebra