nevermind you're fired again
nevermind you're fired again
nevermind you're fired again
So, do we refer to them as “re-fired beings”?
I’ll see myself out
This is also the US approach to tariffs apparently.
Unpopular opinion: The USA reached this state due to a lack of affordable, quality education.
I'm open to contradiction.
Fuck no it didnt! America got some of the best education in the country!! You need to get out more and wake up sheeple. Look I'd argue you more against you but idk if you're looking to have your soft little opinion challenged. I'm sorry I just get so angry when people insult the US of A. Look I'm sorry to hear about your contract addiction. My cousin is an addict too, mostly meth, it's a disease I get that. God bless you on your fight against it.
This is fucking disgusting. I love it
Which was perpetrated by the enemy of the people: organized religion.
No. It's the capitalist class. Organized religion is just one of the tools used to oppress the working people.
How is that unpopular?
Yes, it was intentional.
As a product of that education system, you are right on the money. Our major downfall was when we started tying school funding with standardized testing with the class of 1994. My class of 1993 got to take the same tests as a pilot, but were the last generation to receive education that wasn’t largely geared towards those tests (which don’t focus at all on critical thinking).
Also: ~10 years later No Child Left Behind would roll out while I was in early grade school and violently damage schooling in that exact manner again nationwide
NCLB was so bad that a bipartisan Congress in 2015 managed to kill it. My dad worked at a school and I can tell you: literally nobody in the entire district had a nice thing to say about NCLB, multiple told child me that it was going to fuck my generation and those after in schooling
Dernt knew nuff tu refuse yer argament, butt u sed edumacation su im uffended!!!
that is basically the abuse cycle
And the nazi and his #47 are clearly weak knee'd bullies.