George Lucas’ Scrapped Star Wars Show 'Star Wars Underworld' Would’ve Cost Billions of Dollars (Producer Rick McCallum actually tried to budget out what the show could cost and the lowest he ever ...
George Lucas’ Scrapped Star Wars Show 'Star Wars Underworld' Would’ve Cost Billions of Dollars (Producer Rick McCallum actually tried to budget out what the show could cost and the lowest he ever ... George Lucas’ Scrapped Star Wars Show Would’ve Cost BIllions of Dollars
Producer Rick McCallum talks about the mythic Star Wars Underworld TV project.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/indig0sixalpha on 2025-03-07 22:09:11+00:00.
Original Title: George Lucas’ Scrapped Star Wars Show 'Star Wars Underworld' Would’ve Cost Billions of Dollars (Producer Rick McCallum actually tried to budget out what the show could cost and the lowest he ever got it to was $40 million per episode)