But, Decorum
But, Decorum
But, Decorum
Biden was a fucking coward. As soon as SCOTUS said the president was immune from everything he should've dropped the con judges into a black site. Let them put their money where their mouth is and see how well their convictions hold up.
He could have just shot them in the face.
Even if it wasn't legal, he's old enough that he would probably be dead before seeing prison.
fucking coward
Did you mean to type 'better person' but slipped off the keys?
Let's not fault someone for not being a criminal just because some halfwit briefly loopholed a purge into the books. We don't have to analyze shopping carts in a parking lot as our sole gauge of whether someone is good as a person.
I'm sick of dems sitting around with their thumbs up their asses while the GQP is burning the country to the ground. You say criminal and legal loophole but it was SCOTUS essentially making the president the king, and he knew that Humpty Trumpty wouldn't exercise any restraint once the reins came into his hands. I don't know how anyone could've watched that ruling go by and done not a single thing about it.
Biden is obviously the better person but it doesn't change the fact that he's a milquetoast bumblefuck who shuffled his way into retirement without even trying.
She wasn't even the first one. Some guy yelled "you lie" at Obama ten years ago