Damn, very nice.
I don't mind the dots being all wonky but opposite faces of the die always add up to 7 and that being off i do not like!
Topologist ass comment
i was given damas dice as a gift and the dots had this kind of "unfamiliar" patterns. I hate those dice. When you see ⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄ ⚅, their interpretation is instantaneous. When you see those "creative" dice, you count :/
Are y'all actually counting? I instantly "see" the number in my head.
on these funky dice it's easy until 4 but 5 and 6 are harder to recognise at a glance
Thanks, I hate it.
Not to turn this into an ad, but these are real and sold here.
I was thinking I wish it were real so I could buy it, but now that I know it is, I don't want to. Do the Germans have a word for this feeling?
Not that I’m aware of. There are however words that describe an imagination that is not real. Like wishful thinking but with connotation. I think these fit best: Hirngespinst, Wunschvorstellung.
Yachtze! Yachtze! Ia Cthulhu fat'agn Yachtze!
People crap on AI for getting things wrong but if you look at the image you can clearly see that these dice have zero fingers.
what in unholiness
Thanks, I hate this.
To quote Big Jules: I removed the spots for luck. I remember where the spots formerly was.
This hurts me, like some kind of low-grade SCP antimemetics.
So you have chosen death
Made by the intern?