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  • This bad boy from Dark Forces:

    Concussion Rifle. Sounded like a banshee's scream when fired. Too bad it got neutered in the sequel though.

  • Remote mines from Goldeneye for N64. Never felt more like a spy than when you bait someone into charging at you spraying bullets and you just press a button on your watch

  • The remote charge from Red Faction, cant remember the exact name but it was great for embracing my want to dig around and cause chaos.

  • The flak cannon from Unreal. It's just a more fun and innovative type of shotgun with grenade launcher.

  • Super Shotgun from Doom 2, love the feeling when you shoot it.

    • To quote Civvie:’s not important compared to The Super Shotgun. The ultimate demon slaying weapon, the pinnacle of shotguns. You think “why don’t they just call it the double barrel?”. Because it’s better. Because it’s super.

  • The kritzkreig from tf2. It does no damage, it actually does negative damage. But when you hit that switch, oooooo

  • I used to roll with the G3 in Battlefield 2.

    Also the DMR from Halo Reach is a favourite.

  • The one that's the most fun and made me feel the most powerful is the VSS from STALKER. Learning the bullet drop and managing to head shot a moving target is very satisfying.