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  • Lol illegal crossings caught / reported. The majority of illegals come over legally and just overstay their vacation, education, work, business, or deplomat visa. Why bother crossing illegally when you can just request a vacation visa or day visa and just disappear into the country. (Yes those without passports will have to sneak across but it's way easier than the Trump administration will have you believe.) Yes thousands get caught but millions go back and forth without. Yes most go back without needing the US government to force them.

  • Yes, no one has actually seen these numbers before.

    EDIT: Trump continues to demonstrate that he either doesn’t understand how numbers work or refuses to accept what the numbers represent. How the fuck is there more than 100%? I’m going to comment on this based on the cropped quote, not having read anything else. You can’t have more than 100%. That would mean the crossings at the boarder completely stopped and in addition to that there are people who decided to give up their citizenship or residency status and leave the country. That just isn’t how numbers work.

    Or he is just lying completely or refuses to know what is actually happening.