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Looking for recommendations on the most cost effective button only (no joystick) handheld running an Android OS?

I know the title is hyper specific but it gets even worse, lol.

Plainly speaking my "requirements" are as follows:

  • Android operating system
  • No joysticks
  • As small as possible

The importance of the requirements are roughly in order (top being the most important). The second and third requirement roughly go hand in hand. The reason being that I want something I can stick in the pocket of a sports jacket or even somewhat tighter fitting pants and not have to worry about something catching or getting damaged.

The first requirement comes down to a custom "ROM" that started my desire and search for such a device.

Pokémon: Infinite Fusion

For those unaware this custom game isn't actually a ROM meant for a legacy game system but has actually been developed to run on a PC. However, it is possible to play the game on mobile via an app on Android called JoiPlay.

I have played it some on my phone and enjoyed it, but it's missing that tactile feel hence this rabbit hole.

The device that originally peaked my interest and started me on this search is the Ayaneo Pocket MICRO, but unfortunately it has joysticks. The Trimui Brick looks fantastic, especially with its battery, but as far as I can tell the OS is not Android based.

Based on what I have found in my searching so far if I had to buy something today I would likely buy the Ayaneo Pocket MICRO or Pocket DMG, and then open them up to desolder the joysticks, but if I can find an out of the box solution that would be great.

Thanks in advance, and for reading this far even if you don't have anything else for me.


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