Stock market tanks after Trump confirms tariffs to start at midnight
Stock market tanks after Trump confirms tariffs to start at midnight

The stock market plummeted after President Donald Trump confirmed tariffs would go into effect at midnight.

Stock market tanks after Trump confirms tariffs to start at midnight
The stock market plummeted after President Donald Trump confirmed tariffs would go into effect at midnight.
Maybe I've gone off the deep end of cynicism at this point but the fact that the shitrag The Daily Mail is reporting it this way just makes me think manufacturing a stock drop is the whole plan.
Manufacturing a dip means that billionaires can buy a shit load of stock and then sell it off/use as loan collateral when the price returns
We have a winner!
This was yesterday...
SPY dropped a bit yesterday, and it's up a bit today, it's hardly plummeting. What's dropping is the dollar, it's already worth 5 cents less against GBP in the last week.
Dump then pump.
Starving oligarchs commence salivating
GTFO, Russian troll. Vlad needs to find better people.
A ~5% drop isn't the stunning drop that you think it is. Pointing this out doesn't make me a Russian troll. I'm speaking as someone who is extremely pessimistic and who wants the stock market to drop a lot more.