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  • This statement feels so wrong yet also feels so correct. If companies can't let ppl own what they paid they shouldn't complain when ppl pirate.

  • I hate DRM. Especially as an open sourcer. If all methods of buying it are DRM'ed I won't buy it. My wife has Netflix and contribute the same to OpenRightsGroup, who fight DRM, to balance out our karma. I won't watch Netflix.

    But it's not just media now. A lot of modern device have anti-features and lockout the user. I won't say owner, because if it's a computer and your not admin, your not the owner. Car are terrible for this and it rubs right up against Right To Repair. They use this power imbalance to force you to use dealerships. Crazy thing is, the cars modules are also closed black boxes to car manufacturer. I've been to car industry talks where automotive engineers complain of this, and everyone is nodding, but they don't see their own closeness is no better. They want other to be open with them, but don't want to be open with others.

    It's a terrible state of play. In future, today will be a digital darkage and will only be the pirated and cracked stuff that makes it through. It's so stupid, shortsighted, anticompetitive and certain amount of just evil.