TIL that the forward part of a ship, the forecastle, is pronounced (and sometimes written as) "fo'c'sle"
TIL that the forward part of a ship, the forecastle, is pronounced (and sometimes written as) "fo'c'sle"

TIL that the forward part of a ship, the forecastle, is pronounced (and sometimes written as) "fo'c'sle"
Lots of naval terms aren't pronounced the way you would think, e.g. boatswain and gunwale pronounced differently than they are spelled.
Boatswain sounds like bo-sun
Gunwale sounds like gun-ull
My favorite is “lee” and “leeward.” Both have to do with something being down wind. The former is pronounced as it’s spelled, but the first syllable of the latter is pronounced “loo” or “lew.”
Of course, there’s also the Leeward Islands which are often (mis)pronounced as they’re spelled because most people don’t sail anymore!
For people reading the title and trying to pronounce this like a 3 syllable French word, Wikipedia pronunciation says it like "Fok-sull", like "folk" minus the L and "sull" like sullied.
A cockney accent is necessary for boat terminology
Don’t forget coxswain pronounced cocksun
What happens when the fo'c'sle falls off?
Well, it’s not supposed to do that, no. But I want to reassure the public that fo’c’sles are safe.
TIL that forward part of a ship is called forecastle
I knew that and it took all day for it to percolate that I'd learned it from Kingdom of Loathing.
Now THAT should be in the Toot Oriole
That's ridiculous. It's not even funny.
It's Worcestershire all over again...
"Just call me Wöstösö" -Worcestershire probably
Fok this sull!
Fox 'ole?