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  • Christ, I'm gonna stop reading now. I will say, the liberal use of the term fascist and the readiness with which my fellow left leaning folks label anyone who doesn't agree with them a fascist is, to be entirely honest, outright dangerous.

    People pass the term out like the right uses "woke", only difference is fascist is actually a really fucking important term for discussing the dysfunction of the world we live in right now.

    Not everyone who disagrees with you is a fascist. You're entitled to thinking whoever you want is wrong, you don't have to compare them to people who systematically murdered every minority they could find until the death toll was in the millions to substantiate your dislike.

    You're allowed to just say "that line of argument is gross" or "dangerous" or "wrong" without hyperbole that waters down one of the most important political terms of our lifetimes

    I'm so tired man.

  • lol it's the funniest thing ever watching you get stun-locked over this

    you've forced more trans people off .world by screeching tankie at anyone you disagree with

    you are malding over tHoUgHtCriMes and pReEmPtiVe BaNs but are on an instance that is notorious for doing that exact same thing

    please keep making more posts about this its entertaining as fuck

    • youโ€™ve forced more trans people off .world by screeching tankie at anyone you disagree with

      Unless those trans people were defending genocide or other atrocities, I don't see why that would be the case.

      you are malding over tHoUgHtCriMes and pReEmPtiVe BaNs but are on an instance that is notorious for doing that exact same thing
