I'm on this site for memes
I'm on this site for memes
I'm on this site for memes
Because there's many ghosts already, and the 2000s ghosts can't afford rent. This is why most places are NOT haunted. They are officially owned by few older ghosts, but they just rent them out, and the rent is too high to be afforded by most younger ghosts.
And those few that can afford it are too busy for any actual haunting.
Such is life death.
it does need an answer though. so why isn't there more modern ghosts? all haunt those stereotypical psych wards or whatever. why not modern places? was lead paint the requirement to um trap souls or peoples IQ...?
People used to have big families and lots would die at home. Also a lot of people would die at psych wards and many lived there.
Houses now have fewer people, and people are more likely to die at a hospital. Most houses today are not that old, while a house from the 1700's would have hundreds of years for people to die in it.
If you want a modern ghost maybe look in an ICU unit or possibly a new cemetery. My friend once silently pointed out a ghost to me outside in the daylight outside an old mental hospital that had been converted to a school. She was a white mist just walking down the hill wearing a gown, no shoes but for some reason her head wasn't visible. I want to say looked like maybe late 1800's early 1900's.
Microplastics dissolve the soul
Chokes it
pretty sure it's literally just that ghosts were a pop-culture thing during that time, like really it was a HUGE thing, everyone was doing seances and hiring mediums, it was completely normal.
Then when the trend faded we were left with the cultural memory of it, associated with the period.
It's like how disco has some very specific associations.
cool explanation and response, thank you.
Probably less CO floating around from indoor fires and such. Also just more (justifiably) skepticism today, as we understand much more about... well, pretty much everything (compared to the Victorian era).
I thought Paranormal Activity had pretty modern ghosts. I also recall that the Conjuring 2 had a ghost from the 1980s (albeit he was likely a child of the 30s)
Statistically there are still far more people who are dead from prior to 2007 than there is from after, so I think it’s just a game of probability
Personal opinion is ghost story gain credibility over time because people wrote about it or talked about and built a legendarium around the place so when you look into it there is substance it's not just one guy talking about something that happenned to him.
If it's just the experience of one person and there are no books or stories about the place it's just less appealing and stimulating for peoples imagination.
Could be a matter of energy. Perhaps it takes time for a ghost to reform it's spirit.
surely modern ghosts could just suck down a lipo and go full poltergeist?
We haven’t been desecrating burial grounds enough lately
American houses are also more haunted than European ones despite the far longer history of dense habitation.
Now you could say this is because of some cultural reason but the real cause is much more simple.
This is actually due to HOAs binding spirits to the land forever, check your fine print people!
There have been several short windows in time where the soul pipeline was blocked because of [REDACTED], this leads to a buildup of departing souls and the most [REDACTED] of them end up getting dropped from the backlog database and, bam. Ghosts.
Just never ask them what they saw when they tried to [REDACTED] the [REDACTED]!
If I get to haunt a location when I die, I am totally making dick jokes through Ouija boards and other devices.
God help those haunted by the dubstep fanatics.
Rattling chains and haunting moans? Nah, nonstop basement wubs.
WHAT'S YOUR WIFI PASSWORD!!!!! (Stolen from some comedian....Aziz Ansari...?
I kind of hope Bob Saget is out there haunting someone in Orange County.
Sucking their dicks for coke.
Do any of these fuckers ever blast out of the wall and have like a huge cumshot?
Honey, I live for this. Boo, bitch, boo.
Ghost don't haunt places at 3am if there are cats in the vicinity - scheduling issues, cats have dibs that ghosts are bound to honour (they just move their haunting at midnight usually ... that is if there are no witches around which too have them outdibed, poor spectres have to haunt at the awkward 1:30am timeslot if they want to get any work done).
School Spirits, good show