beetle battles
beetle battles
beetle battles
I thought this was !
AND, when beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle they call it a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle.
Mannn I can’t read that
Are insects really that complicated?
Either they have mouth, stinger, or skin, and one or more of them is doing the damage.
Well some ant spew acid, some millipede puke cyanide, and some will smack you with a nail. Don't go near that one.
YouTube Channel = Ze Frank True Facts About Everything. Science. And Science. .... with humor .... and puns .... and dad jokes
I is Entomologist now?
Wait, really?
No, in fact beetles have complicated mandibles. Flies generally have simpler fused mouthparts. I studied entomology and have no clue what this comic is even saying. Maybe a joke about stingers?
First thing that came to mind is the bombardier beetle, which shoot chemicals from their butts.
why has no one remade battle bugs
Big Bad Beetle Borg.