I keep closing my browser tabs by accident with Ctrl + W
While editing in an input field, I'm so used to going for Ctrl+W instead of Ctrl+Backspace because it's more ergonomic. But almost all modern browsers use Ctrl + W to close tabs. Since when was this a convention? I'd love to go back in time and git revert this change. Incredibly frustrating.
Yes, but that's not always the case. For example, I use Portainer to drop into the shell of my Docker containers with a "terminal UI" and that tricks me into using Ctrl + W.
I solved that and much more with Xremap. It's really fantastic, fast, lightweight, and takes precedence over the key scanning of all programs. It handles also program-dependent keybindings. I managed to have Emacs-like keybindings for the whole desktop, but you could just use it to disable or remap C-w for some programs.
Thanks for the suggestion with xremap. I knew some X utils would fix this. GTK (so for some browsers) has an Emacs mode out of the box; I used to use it, but C-w was still being overridden.
I used to have that problem with Ctrl + Q and Ctrl + Shift + W. I used AutoKey to map them to an empty AutoKey phrase.
You can also map Ctrl + W to an AutoKey script that converts it to Ctrl + Backspace: keyboard.send_keys("<ctrl>+<backspace>")
The difference between phrases and scripts in AutoKey is that phrases can only output dumb text (and expand some macros), whereas scripts are Python code that can do stuff with the keyboard, mouse, windows etc.
AutoKey lets you target only specific types of windows if you want, so you can additionally limit these mappings only to the browser.
I'm using AutoKey scripts like that in some games to automate weird key combinations and it has a very good response time. If it's responsive enough for a game it will probably work for text editing.
(context – from the early days of MacOS, Cmd-W was close window – Windows and Linux remapped Cmd to Ctrl (instead of Super) when copying a lot of the keyboard shortcuts)
29 years here, get my first computer in 2011 after using it sometimes in my sister's house. Never used ctrl+backspace in my life and did not know it existed.
Edit maybe you can try something like that?