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Rant! 100GB Log file in Nextcloud.

I set it to debug at somepoint and forgot maybe? Idk, but why the heck does the default config of the official Docker is to keep all logs, forever, in a single file woth no rotation?

Feels like 101 of log files. Anyway, this explains why my storage recipt grew slowly but unexpectedly.

  • for some helpful config, the below is the logging config I have and logs have never been an issue.

    You can even add 'logfile' => '/some/location/nextcloud.log', to get the logs in a different place

      'logtimezone' => 'UTC',
      'logdateformat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
      'loglevel' => 2,
      'log_rotate_size' => 52428800,
  • Reminds me of when my Jellyfin container kept growing its log because of something watchtower related. Think it ended up at 100GB before I noticed. Not even debug, just failed updates I think. It's been a couple of months.