I Switched From Windows to Linux – It Only Took Me 20 Years (Including Davinci Resolve Setup)
I Switched From Windows to Linux – It Only Took Me 20 Years (Including Davinci Resolve Setup)
I Switched From Windows to Linux – It Only Took Me 20 Years (Including Davinci Resolve Setup)
It's mainly a learning curve for most people. Getting used to it, find good open source replacements. And voila la, you will be happy using Linux.
Man everything I hear about resolve makes me glad I don't use it. People are always bringing up installation or packaging issues, it not properly utilising graphics cards, or instability.
As someone who uses it; it really is an exceptional video editor, and IMHO is worth the hassle (which is much less of a hassle now due to DavinciBox, which the video author sadly was not aware of).
Yeah, I tried Da Vinci once for about 20 seconds before returning to Kdenlive.