so much better
so much better
so much better
This reminds me a time I passed this 20-something man on a trail in Utah. He was only wearing shorts, no water, no shoes and had a look on his face that I can only describe as "holier than thou enlightenment"
My first reaction when I saw him was to roll my eyes and judge the fuck out of him, then it occurred to me that my reaction was just another version of what I saw in him. So thank you random stranger for allowing me to see the bullshit that I carry in me. But seriously if you are hiking in Utah, wear shoes and take water with you!
There are times when I see someone doing something harmless, but smugly that I try to change my eye roll to "good for them."
Life is just a lot better when I don't care if someone is doing stuff the "wrong" way.
Reminds me of a one of my coworkers. He’s so enlightened and so full of shit.
"I'm probably one of the most humble persons ever, some people said maybe one of the humblest, it is true"
i remember hearing this joke on a tv show from the 1970s
Dead Freud is looking at you and impressed rn. He had been waiting for someone else to win.
Lived long enough to become the villain of his own story.