War machine Rule
War machine Rule
War machine Rule
One thing I love about this specific allegory is how it conveys a hunch held in the back of my mind (and probably other transfem people) that masculinity is sort of a defective category for anybody; being an unwavering war machine without thought is not anything to aspire towards, so why even measure any bot by their capacity for violence?
I didn't expect the ending to turn out quite like that. I really enjoyed this.
Meanwhile, some bot in the city:
"Ever since I rolled off the assembly line I've had an overwhelming desire to kill and dominate. To see the hope leave my enemy's eyes before I crush them."
Maybe that's what the "Civils can't Fight" banner in the protest is referring to?
Though I think that situation is a bit more problematic and doesn't work as well in the story, since a desire to go to war doesn't lead to a rich full life, it leads to a life cut short. It's not a good thing. War in general isn't a good thing, which I think is part of the reason the message here is so powerful.
hell yeah Robots as Trans Allegory
Who is the artist behind this work?
I believe she's on Reddit, here's her profile:
Gorgeous for a lot of reasons.
This is a beautiful comic. with a great message.