Adopt rule
Adopt rule
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Adopt a Lemmy Community Today
Adopt rule
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Adopt a Lemmy Community Today
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Ty, I frogot how to do it.
Please, these communities need your help. With only one post or comment a day, you can help them grow strong. Just one comment or post a day will give these communities a chance to live long happy lives, even if I am the one that made them. So please, give what you can.
Since ! isn’t very active, and ! has 1.9k subs but has less than 1 post per day. I would suggest merging the two communities.
If you do so, add other mods and don't make yourself the only one.
There are a lot of communities with potential with no mods. For example ! I love that type of community and i'd do it myself, but it's a very sensitive topic and i'm not sure if i could be up for it x) I'd be very grateful if someone stepped up.
.... Hey, you know what? There should be a community for this, unmodded communities.
! is basically a support group for mods.
I'm doing my part! Sub to ! to see some fanart whenever I remember to post.