Backwards toilet paper
Backwards toilet paper
Backwards toilet paper
Lego those war crimes
It's good to show the wrong way intentionally here. We don't want to confuse people that this could be a real house, with a real bathroom, so I can appreciate that they intentionally do things wrong so you could walk in, see the TP is in the wrong position, and instantly go:
"I'm in a Lego bathroom, this is not real"
And boom, no more being trapped inside the lego bathroom.
Those are the rules.
I believe this is building code
cat households like to do it that way, so it's harder for the cat to unroll it
It would be better to just get rid of the cat.
maybe, but humans don't get a say in this. the cat calls the shots
Does this set have a cat?
If it doesn't, one should be placed in front of the tp, looking at it forlornly.
Never thought about that, good point
Some of the comments on Reddit made a good point, it’s so you can obviously see what it is, rather than looking like a solid block.
It’s still 100% wrong though.
FYI, your account is marked as "bot", is it on purpose?
Blaze I love you but this post is just !
It's just a TP mullet
Them’s fightin’ legos
At one point the toilet roll holder my landlord put in fell apart. So I made a new, better one. A toilet roll holder that actually keeps enough distance from the heckin' darn wall
So it doesn't matter, my paper is clean either way!
Right way tp.