what are “female jocks” called?
what are “female jocks” called?
what are “female jocks” called?
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At my highschool, 2001-5 we called them "preps"
In my area, that's a word for popular/materialistic girls, not athletic ones. I think OP means to find a term for girls who are athletic, not for the stereotypical girl "equivalent" (i.e., not a girl like Cher from Clueless).
Okay. I was just saying in highschool, the girls that played softball or volleyball or whatever we're called preps 🤷
Oh, interesting; that wasn't my experience at all. There were popular/preppy girls that played sports, but there was a separate type of girl that played multiple sports and made it, like, part of their identity like the guys did. Didn't really have a name for them, though.
I guess "jock" would work for a girl/woman, but if you said "I hooked up with a jock last night," everyone would assume you meant a guy. So it's not really a gender neutral term.
prep = prep school = upper class
jock = jock strap = athletes
That's fine...
Very similar time frame for me... I always thought that preps were more of an upper-class group. Maybe there's a little overlap between those two groups though.
Gonna channel TierZoo for a minute here:
If you're going to play High School, there are two ways to create the Jock build:
It's kinda rare to see a direct distaff counterpart to either one of these. In the former's case, you get a cheerleader. She might run track or something in the spring but these girls usually throw themselves into shit like student government, yearbook club, whatever student committee organizes the dances, she's gonna major in poli-sci and marry a lawyer for his money or she's gonna get an MBA so she can be a self-proclaimed "boss bitch."
In the latter's case, she probably doesn't go for athletics or even extracurriculars at all, she's a fixture at house parties with alcohol, she has basically no plan for life, through her 20's she'll waitress at various chain sit-down restaurants and/or cashier at Food Lion until she gets knocked up.
There is a somewhat rarer class of severe tryhard, she's convinced she's going to be an astronaut so she takes herself 100% seriously, isn't accepted to the Air Force Academy so she enrolls in ROTC at ERAU, is in every sport the college offers to girls, does basically no socializing, ends up an officer in the Air Force but does not become a pilot, resigns as a Captain and opens a shelter for abandoned parrots. Athletics are just a byproduct of overachieving with nothing to show for it.
A jock isn't a "male prep" though, a jock is a specific type of male prep and male preps are just preps.
sounds about right, i went to highschool 2019-2024